Transitions Gen 8 Availability
People buying their first couple of Transitions Signature Gen 8 lenses may also get a second couple of clear lenses free. The free clear lenses include
- Choose your preferred Transitions XTRActive Style Mirrors available in a range of SIX colors.
- I’ve photic sneeze reflex, meaning I sneeze when I go from normal office building lighting to bright middle-of-the-day outdoor sunlight.
- Responding to the light around you, they intelligently differ from clear to dark when you go outdoors and back again to clear when you return indoors.
- Constantly adapts to all light situations for better vision, comfort, and protection.
For more information about the company and Transitions lenses, visit or However, Transitions® XTRActive® lenses do activate moderately behind a windshield as they react to both UV and visible light. They’re specially designed to provide a more enjoyable driving experience. Photochromic or “adaptive” lenses darken when exposed to UV light, such as once you walk outdoors. When you are no longer exposed to the consequences of UV, (i.e. walk indoors), the lenses go back to their clear state. Transitions lenses are photochromic lenses that block 100% of harmful UVA and UVB rays.
Frequently Asked Questions About Transitions® Lenses
Is the first light intelligent photochromic lens with a revolutionary nano-composite technology that pushes photochromic performance and offers optimum vision, comfort and protection the whole day. Transitions® Signature® GEN 8™ may be the first light intelligent photochromic lens with a revolutionary nano-composite technology that pushes photochromic performance and will be offering optimum vision, comfort, and protection all day long. Transitions® lenses react quickly to changing light and can become as dark as sunglasses outside in bright sunlight. As light conditions change, the amount of tint adjusts to supply the right tint at the proper time. This convenient photochromatic protection against glare is automatic. Transitions Signature® Gen8™ is the leading photochromic brand in the market, preferred by many for its excellent performance and color aesthetics.
- Developed jointly by Transitions Optical and Younger Optics, Transitions Signature® Gen8™ polycarbonate composite lenses are actually obtainable in gray for FT28 bifocal, FT35 bifocal and 7 x 28 trifocal lenses.
- Parker says nearly 80 percent of people who come in to get eyeglasses don’t mind spending time in purchasing Transitions lenses, but often no one working at the optical shops suggest photochromic lenses.
- With all the current upgrades, Transitions Signature Gen 8 has become a lens feature which has something for everyone.
- Also, because Transitions® lenses adapt to changing light conditions and reduce glare, they enhance the capability to discern objects of varying size, brightness and contrast, helping you to see better in all light conditions.
- In real life this means by the time you enter your building, enter the elevator and reach your floor you should have clear lenses.
- While glare is low in even the brightest outdoor conditions.
Technical specifications could be referenced at Essilor Lanka Private Limited is really a jv with Essilor India, that is a subsidiary of Essilor France. ELPL may be the authorized Essilor lens manufacturer and the distributor in Sri Lanka for Varilux, Transitions, Crizal UV, Crizal Forte UV, Prevencia, Eyezen, Xperio, Airwear along with other brands under the Essilor umbrella. These products can be found at all main eyecare practitioners and retailers islandwide. They are also available in shatter-resistant, standard and high index lens materials. Regardless of your prescription or lens preference, you may choose either gray or brown Transitions lenses. Transitions lenses may also be compatible with lens
any Crizal , Varilux, Eyezen+ or Essilor Single Vision lenses with purchase of frame. “Gen 8 outperforms anything I’ve seen at this time,” Parker says. † “Harmful Blue Light” is calculated between 380 nm and 460 nm, across materials and colors. Combine three innovative technologies for our best in vision, clarity, and protection.
Zoran Performance Eyewear Series On Lens Coatings And Tints
indoors and outdoors—they even endure to outdoor activities. When your lens polarizes, you’re also protected from reflective glare. With Transitions XTRActive Polarized™ lenses, there’s more to get from getting protection. The technology is designed to allow users to experiment and play with Transitions Signature GEN 8 lenses in different colors across the full selection of activation tints.
Lenses work to safeguard you merely like sun block protects your skin layer. Transitions® Lenses help preserve medical and wellness of one’s eyes by blocking 100% of harmful UV rays. Transitions® Lenses use special photochromic dyes which are activated when exposed to Ultraviolet of UV light. The activation of the dyes causes them to darken also to reversibly “tint” the lens. When contact with the UV light diminishes, the lenses fade back again to clear. As outdoor light conditions change, the amount of darkness adjusts, creating just the right degree of tint and allowing just the right quantity of light to enter the eyes at any moment.
Light Intelligent Lenses
Your brand-new Transitions lenses can help contribute to your overall eye health. The detailed launch plan by lens material and HOYA design for Transitions Signature GEN 8 Gray and Brown lenses can be found on and from local Territory Sales Managers. Transitions Signature GEN 8 photochromic lenses are available in all HOYA anti-reflective coatings and treatments may also be available via major vision plans. Transitions Signature VII products will stay available in some styles. Transitions® Lenses SOLFX sun lenses are high-performance sunwear specifically designed for outdoor use. Traditional sunwear remains the same level of darkness no matter the amount of sunlight.
Browse our web store for contacts and other eye care products. Single vision lenses for pixel-perfect precision and outstanding visual performance. Transitions Signature GEN 8 may be the latest innovation offering the very best overall photochromic lens. If you’re wondering how Transitions Signature Gen 8 comes even close to Transitions Xtractive, they’ll now be almost indistinguishable at their darkest point. Transitions Xtractive could have a perceivable tint at its clearest point but that is done intentionally, to allow the lenses to darken even while driving.
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