Strain Questionnaire
The professional athletes (S.K. and K.H.) in this research team modified the terms and sentences to improve the readability for athletes. Finally, the back-translated version of the APSQ was confirmed and approved by the researchers who had originally developed the APSQ (S.M.R and R.P). When you are visiting our non-English version and desire to see the English version of Caregiver Strain Questionnaire, please scroll down to the bottom and you may start to see the meaning of Caregiver Strain Questionnaire in English language. Keep in mind that the abbreviation of CSQ is widely used in industries like banking, computing, educational, finance, governmental, and health. Along with CSQ, Caregiver Strain Questionnaire could be short for other acronyms.
Although developed for the general population, the measure has been used in combination with groups of ill children. Derogatis Stress Profile, DSP – a 77-item self-report instrument designed as an over-all measure of stress.
Caregiver Strain Questionnaire Cgsq
According to the WAI questionnaire, a lot of the current diseases among pilots diagnosed by a physician were linked to the musculoskeletal system at just below 35%, accompanied by cardiovascular diseases at 25%, and accidents at only under 20%. Two thirds of the analysis sample didn’t recognize any hindrances in their work due to these diseases, and 27% felt able to do their job, though it causes some symptoms (Tab. 3). While more 4-month ROS pilots reported to possess had occupational accidents with severe personal injury, a lot more 1-week ROS pilots have had vessel damage in their job/career . This study aims to spell it out the current job-related stress and strain among maritime pilots and the effects on their work ability, taking into account the different rotation systems. This can be a 42-item questionnaire produced by Robert Karasek, PhD, based, in part, on questions drawn from the US Department of Labor/University of Michigan Quality of Employment Surveys.
Furthermore, both boarding and leaving the vessel require climbing on the pilot ladder at the outer wall of the ship, that is physically stressful and potentially hazardous. In contrast, significantly more 1-week ROS pilots stated having had vessel damage. High stress load in the workplace can lead to psychophysical exhaustion and fatigue . Higher results
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