Sevigny Avon Park
Find local small businesses near you to have the products and services you are interested in. Although the Open Payments program is administered by Medicare, it covers almost all doctors in the usa, including those who do not accept Medicare insurance. Dr. Ronald O. Sevigny is affiliated with 2 practices, including Sevigny & Johnson Eye Care PA. Please view Dr. Sevigny’s profile to see additional affiliations. This chart represents the breakdown of payments Dr. Sevigny has received by specific category of payment. If you want to see Dr. Sevigny, please contact him to book a scheduled appointment.
- Data in this section is calculated using Medicare Physician and Other Supplier Data,
- Please contact Dr. Sevigny to verify eligibility before booking a scheduled appointment.
- Doctors of Optometry , or optometrists, are primary providers of eye care who assess patients’ vision through eye exams and visual tests.
- Further, we believe there are doctors who have success with companies’ products, get paid to discuss them, and are still foremost specialized in successful patient outcomes.
Patients can call the eye care focus on the below given phone number for appointment. This chart represents the breakdown of payments Dr. Sevigny has received from specific medical companies, including payments for drugs and medical products. These payments result from specific medical companies, sometimes for specific drugs. If you have any questions or concerns concerning the specific company or drug payments Dr. Sevigny has received, we encourage you to consult with him directly. Establishments operating as clinics of optometrists are included in this industry. Ronald O Sevigny Od is primarily engaged in Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degree of O.D.
Company Payments
NPI details for Sevigny & Johnson Eye Care, P.a. Center are as mentioned below. This feature uses Medicare data to determine how often a provider performs an operation relative to other providers in their state also performing the same procedure. As an optometrist, Dr. Sevigny may see patients with the following 27 conditions. Please always check with Dr. Sevigny directly in what conditions he treats, since he may treat additional conditions not listed here. At Ronald Sevigny, OD, patients have many options in finding the right type of lens for their vision correction needs. You can choose from daily or monthly disposable lenses, contacts for astigmatism, multifocal lenses, colored lenses, and much more.
This section highlights the procedures that Dr. Sevigny performs most regularly. Please contact Dr. Sevigny to verify eligibility before booking a scheduled appointment. Dr. Sevigny has been practicing for over 52 years since getting his license to apply in Florida. He is currently working at Sevigny & Johnson Eye Care PA to supply care. Begin by selecting the healthcare specialist you are considering. Select from over 115 networks below to see available data about this business.
Using this data, we can detect when doctors perform certain procedures more often than similar providers. These procedures go into this section so that you can help consumers make more informed choices. While this data can offer an abundance of knowledge, it includes certain limitations. The payments received by optometrists can range across a variety of different categories. These can include travel and lodging, food and beverages from conferences, or fees for promotional speaking or consulting engagements.
Payments Accepted
This graph represents payments Dr. Sevigny received relative to the median payment received by similar doctors. Please verify these details directly with Dr. Sevigny, because it may change frequently and vary by office location. Our records indicate that Dr. Sevigny accepts the next insurance providers.
Following a comprehensive evaluation of one’s eye, Ronald Sevigny, OD can recommend the contact lenses that are best for you including lenses from CooperVision and other manufacturers. Should you be at an office or shared network, it is possible to ask the network administrator to perform a scan over the network searching for misconfigured or infected devices.
Some have also received payments from royalties or licenses, usually from having helped create a product or drug. will not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information within this website is for general information purposes. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Update your free CareDash profile and make it stand out to an incredible number of patients looking for doctors and healthcare services.
However, CareDash does not believe that these transfers of value necessarily mean a doctor is ethically compromised. Eating sponsored food at conferences and speaking with respect to pharmaceutical companies are not the same thing. Further, we believe that there are doctors who’ve success with companies’ products, receives a commission to discuss them, and are still foremost specialized in successful patient outcomes. As an optometrist, Dr. Ronald O. Sevigny may treat Astigmatism, Binocular Dysfunction , and Blepharitis, in addition to other conditions. Please check Dr. Sevigny’s profile to see all of the conditions he treats. Dr. Sevigny received less overall than a majority (55%) of optometrists nationally. This overall payment amount is low, and is not necessarily an underlying cause for concern.
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