Dr Barclay Huntingdon Pa
Optometrists can diagnose, treat, and manage diseases, disorders, and injuries of the eye and related structures, along with address systemic conditions that may affect the eyes. Optometrists prescribe eye medications, low vision rehabilitation, vision therapy, corrective glasses, contact lenses, and perform certain surgical treatments on the eyes. Optometry is the practice or profession of examining the eyes for visual defects and prescribing corrective lenses.
- Optometry may be the practice or profession of examining the eyes for visual defects and prescribing corrective lenses.
Please contact the office to check for availability/eligibility. Dr. Robert A
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a procedure relative to other providers within their state also performing the same procedure. This section displays information regarding known insurances accepted by Dr. Barclay. According to our records, Dr. Robert A. Barclay may accept Medicare. Please contact Dr. Barclay to verify eligibility before booking an appointment.
Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Service and ONLINE PRIVACY POLICY. Doctors of Optometry , or optometrists, are primary providers of eye care who assess patients’ vision through eye exams and visual tests.
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